Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheat Engineeasysitekiosk

  1. Neverwinter Nights 2 Feat List
  2. Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheat Codes
  3. Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheat Engineeasysitekiosk Age Of Empires 2

  • Character influence

Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Type DebugMode 1 (case-sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Use the following commands to affect your party members' influence. You must know their designation, thus the x and y. The following are the designations to ensure that they are 100% loyal to you. You should first select your character. In place of x and y, place the following numbers and your influence towards them will be 100. Note: Influence is plot critical towards Chapter 3.
(1,150) Khelgar

While playing the game, press to display the console window, then type 'DebugMode 1' (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Press again, then press Tab to view the debug commands. Press Tab to scroll through the commands. Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheats and Cheat Codes, PC. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2020. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.

(2,150) Neeshka
(3,150) Elanee
(4,150) Qara
(5,150) Sand
(6,150) Grobnar
(7,150) Casavir
(8,150) Bishop
(9,150) Shandra Jerro
(10,150) Construct
(11,150) Zhjaeve
(12,150) Ammon Jerro
(13,150) Bevil (if you invite him along to fight with you in Chapter 3)
  • Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window, then type 'DebugMode 1' (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Press ~ again, then press [Tab] to view the debug commands. Press [Tab] to scroll through the commands. You can enter one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered the code correctly, the message 'Success' will appear. If the message 'Entered Target Mode' appears, click on the desired character to apply the cheat. Note: For some international versions, hold [Shift] then quickly press ~ followed by ? to display the console window.
  • 20 in all stats, new sword, cannot level
  • irolltwenties
  • Add indicated feat to selected character
  • givefeat [2-500]
  • Advance time by indicated amount
  • rs ga_time_advance([hours,minutes,seconds,ms])
  • Change indicated amount of experience points; use negative number to remove experience points
  • GiveXP [number]
  • De-level character if experience points is near 0
  • resetlevels
  • Debug dialogue with option to open the party roster to switch party members in and out at any time
  • rs kr_roster_edit
  • Get all spells
  • dm_allspells 1
  • Get indicated amount of gold [See Note 2]
  • dm_givegold [number]
  • Get indicated spell
  • givespell [number]
  • Give character the appearance of the number in the 'res ref' table in the '2da' appearance file
  • Set Appearance [number]
  • Invincibility [See Note 1]
  • dm_god
  • Move one point towards chaos
  • rs ga_alignment(-1,1)
  • Move one point towards evil
  • rs ga_alignment(-1,0)
  • Move one point towards good
  • rs ga_alignment(1,0)
  • Move one point towards law
  • rs ga_alignment(1,1)
  • Polymorph controlled character into different creature
  • polymorph [number]
  • Raise amount of party members you may have at once to six; default is 3 in Act 1 and 4 in Acts 2 and 3
  • rs ga_party_limit(6)
  • Raise indicated number of levels
  • GetLevel [number]
  • Raise influence level for that companion
  • rs ga_influence ([x,y])
  • Remove the indicated feat
  • removefeat [number]
  • Restore all hit points
  • dm_heal
  • Return polymorphed controlled character to normal
  • Unpolymorph
  • Set character level
  • dm_givelevel [number]
  • Set character's age
  • SetAge [number]
  • Set character's base attack
  • SetAttackBase [number]
  • Set character's fortitude save modifier
  • ModSaveFort
  • Set character's reflex save modifier
  • ModSaveReflex
  • Set character's spell resistance modifier
  • ModSpellResistance [number]
  • Set character's will save modifier
  • ModSaveWill
  • Set Charisma to indicated number on selected character
  • SetCHA [number]
  • Set Constitution to indicated number on selected character
  • SetCON [number]
  • Set Dexterity to indicated number on selected character
  • SetDEX [number]
  • Set Intelligence to indicated number on selected character
  • SetINT [number]
  • Set Strength to indicated number on selected character
  • SetSTR [number]
  • Set Wisdom to indicated number on selected character
  • SetWIS [number]
  • Simple influence editor in the form of a dialogue
  • rs kr_influence
  • Spawn indicated item
  • giveitem [item code]
  • Use the camera with better scrolling
  • dm_unlockcamera

Note 1: Select each individual party member by right clicking on their portrait one at a time and enter this code for each one. Invincibility will sometimes be disabled after traveling to certain locations or after certain scripted sequences.
Note 2: Right click on a character first to give gold to that player.
  • Gain Level

While playing press the ~ button. Then type DebugMode 1, then press enter. Make sure your character is in a yellow area, or else the code won't work. You might have to go to a different room if there is no yellow areas in the current room. Once you have reached a yellow area and your character is standing in it, press ~ again and type dm_givelevel then press enter and
click on your character. You should now be able to raise the level of your character until you reach 40. | Submitted by Brandon
  • Infinite XP Bug

In chapter two, after you go through the 'trial' and defeat Lorne, you can return to West Harbor to complete the quest 'What Happened to Lorne' (you have to have gotten the quest in Chapter One before leaving West Harbor). Talk to Lorne's mother to complete the quest, and you'll get 500 XP. She'll say she needs to be left alone. Now talk to her again. She'll give the intro to the 'quest completed' dialog, and give you 500 XP again. Rinse and repeat. (Fixed in 1.03)
  • Level 40

While playing press ~, then enter DebugMode 1. Press enter. There should be yellow spots on the area around you that appear, make sure you are in a yellow area. Then type dm_givelevel. Click on your character and press enter. Pull up your character sheet and you should be able to level up. | Submitted by Brandon
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  • Companion names

Use the rs ga_party_limit code first to add additional companion slots to your PC. Then, use one of the following entries with the rs ga_party_add code to add them or the rs ka_influence_set code to change your influence on them.
  • Enabling Shadow Portals

Use the rs ga_time_advance code to advance time to enable the Shadow Portals that only work at night.
  • Slowing the Spirit Eater corruption

Use the following trick to determine how fast the curse eats Spirit Points and give you penalties. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'global.xml' file in the 'my documentsneverwinter nights 2saves' directory. Locate the following lines:
Change '1.000000' to '0.500000'. This is the lowest valid value. Do not change the speed a lower value or it may break the game. Immediately below this entry you will find the 'SEPoints' value. This is your current spirit points, and its maximum value is '100.000000'.
  • Spriteater feats

Use the following values with the givefeat code.
1976 (Devour Spirit 1)
1977 (Devour Spirit 2)
1978 (Devour Spirit 3)
1979 (Devour Soul)
1980 (Spirit Gorge)
1981 (Ravenous Incarnation)

Neverwinter Nights 2 Feat List

1982 (Bestow Life Force)
1983 (Suppress)
1984 (Eternal Rest)
1985 (Satiate)Engineeasysitekiosk
1986 (Mold Spirit)
2050 (Malleate Spirit)
2104 (Spiritual Evisceration)
2125 (Provoke Spirits)
  • Various Codes

Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Type DebugMode 1 (case-sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: For some international versions, hold [Shift] then quickly press ~ followed by ? to display the console window.
  • 20 in all stats, new sword, cannot level
  • irolltwenties
  • Gain indicated amount of gold(see Note 1)
  • dm_givegold [number]
  • Get indicated spell
  • givespell [number]
  • Change indicated amount of experience points; use negative number to remove experience points
  • givexp [number]
  • Add indicated feat to selected character
  • givefeat [feat number]
  • Spawn indicated item
  • giveitem [item code]
  • God mode(see Note 2)
  • dm_god
  • Set Charisma to indicated number on selected character
  • SetCHA [number]
  • Set Constitution to indicated number on selected character
  • SetCON [number]
  • Set Dexterity to indicated number on selected character
  • SetDEX [number]
  • Set Strength to indicated number on selected character
  • SetSTR [number]
  • Set Intelligence to indicated number on selected character
  • SetINT [number]
  • Set Wisdom to indicated number on selected character
  • SetWIS [number]
  • Use the camera with better scrolling
  • dm_unlockcamera
  • Polymorph controlled character into different creature
  • polymorph [number]
  • Remove the indicated feat
  • removefeat [number]
  • De-level character if experience points is near 0
  • resetlevels
  • Modify influence with companion
  • rs ka_influence_set ([name], [-100 to 100])
  • Move one point towards evil
  • rs ga_alignment(-1,0)
  • Move one point towards chaos
  • rs ga_alignment(-1,1)
  • Move one point towards good
  • rs ga_alignment(1,0)
  • Move one point towards law
  • rs ga_alignment(1,1)
  • Advance time by indicated amount
  • rs ga_time_advance([hours,minutes,seconds,ms])
  • Return polymorphed controlled character to normal
  • Unpolymorph
  • Set number of party members
  • rs ga_party_limit [number]
  • Add a companion to party
  • rs ga_party_add [name]
  • Remove Soul Eater status
  • rs ka_se_terminate
  • Give Soul Eater status
  • rs ka_se_init
  • Set Spirit Eater poins to 100
  • rs ka_se_points_set (100.0)
  • Get all Spirit Eater feats3
  • rs ka_se_feat_add_all

1. Right click on a character first to give gold to that player.
2. Select each individual party member by right clicking on their portrait one at a time and enter this code for each one. You can slip out of God mode after traveling to certain locations or after certain scripted sequences.
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Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheat Codes

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Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheat Engineeasysitekiosk Age Of Empires 2