Guidesmc Model Maker

MrCrayfish's Model Creator. MrCrayfish has not been fond of the new JSON rendering system in Minecraft and when trying to convert his Furniture Mod to 1.8, it was a big task. Writing block models in JSON is annoying because you can't see what it looks like. This program allows you to visually create advance block models for. A mandatory common pack administrator and modeler tool, Model Maker Manager is an Eclipse-based Client GUI for the Common Pack Service.


AboutModel Makers

Guide Smc Model Maker Model

Model making has beenemployed over the years for the purposesof both business and pleasure. Modelsare often built to demonstrate thepracticality of a concept beforebuilding the full-size version,particularly before computer modelingwas available. For example, before drawnplans were commonly used, navalarchitects would build a model of awooden ship for the shipyard to use sothe craftsmen to copy in full size.Traveling salesmen who could not carry aline of stoves, guns or harnesses withthem would often carry a case of smallsales models to show the customer.Patent models were often submitted toprove a concept for the purposes ofpatents. The models most of us arefamiliar with, however, are the onesmade for fun. There is a real appeal toseeing a scaled-down version ofsomething big. Toy trains, cars andairplanes have been popular for as longas the real objects have existed. Somemodel makers take their skills past thecrude representations of mere toys tocreate a true miniature version of thereal object. The smaller and moredetailed the model, the more we marvel.We often feel like giants viewing thesetiny models. Included in this section isthe work of some of the best modelmakers around.

'Model Makers'in this museum are differentiated from'Model Engineers' in that themodels shown here are made primarily torepresent very accurately what somethinglooks like. The motors in these modelsdon't actually function. ModelEngineers, on the other hand are usuallyconcerned with modeling the function ofa device like a steam or gas engine.More often than not, these models arealso very close to representing the realthing, but the overriding goal at thebeginning of the project is to representa function. Model engineers and modelmakers share many of the same skills andoften build models that fall in to bothcategories, but we have separated theminto two different rooms in this museumto highlight the two disciplines.

Custom Model Maker

There is an organization for model makers called the Association of Professional Model Makers (APMM). Their web site can be found at They have been around since 1993 and currently have nearly 800 members around the world (2009). It is a non-profit organization that holds conferences biennially across the country.