38 Secondary Emotionsdialectical Behavioral Training

  1. Applied behavior analysis (ABA), also called behavioral engineering, is a scientific technique concerned with applying empirical approaches based upon the principles of respondent and operant conditioning to change behavior of social significance. It is the applied form of behavior analysis; the other two forms are radical behaviorism (or the philosophy of the science) and the experimental.
  2. Opposite Emotions Acting opposite to our current emotional state is a powerful tool to use in the moment when distress seems too overwhelming to bear.Some examples of using opposite to emotion action include feeling tired/sluggish, but deciding to walk out of the front door and take a walk around the block, or feeling bored/lethargic and choosing to watch a funny movie or dance to your.

Marsha Linehan, the founder of DBT, developed a 6-step technique that will help you look more closely at the way your emotions spiral out of control. When you familiarize yourself with this technique, you will be able to apply it next time you feel like you are burdened by an avalanche of overwhelming emotions that are piling up.

Feb 29, 2016 - Response to Emotions Worksheet. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) combines cognitive and behavioral therapy, incorporating methodologies from various practices including Eastern mindfulness techniques. Articles by Professionals about DBT and Borderline Personality Disorder including articles for DBT clients and their families and DBT professionals.

Sometimes we are not even aware of everything that we felt in the situation, or how we were actually thinking about the situation. Becoming mindful about these six phases, as opposed to being on autopilot can make a world of difference between a healthy and a harmful way of coping with a emotional whirlwind.

Step One: Describe the Situation

Think of a situation from the past where you felt overwhelmed with a lot of emotions. It can be about any aspect of your life. Describe the situation - what happened, where it happened, who was involved.

Step Two: What Caused the Situation

Write down your thoughts on what you think caused the situation. The way you explain the situation to yourself will shape your emotions about the situation. Try to remember the situation you picked and be honest about what your thinking process was like during the event. What do you think caused the main aspects of the situation?

Step Three: Primary and Secondary Emotions

Now that you described the situation and what you think caused it, it's time to describe how you felt as a result. Try to remember what your emotions were. What did you first feel? Were there other emotions that you felt as a response to the first one? For example, maybe first you felt disappointed at somebody, and very shortly afterwards you felt anger and self-hatred, and eventually that led to you feeling depressed. When you feel overwhelming emotions, you probably have physical sensations in your body because of the emotions. Do you remember how your body felt during the situation? Were you tense, fast heart-beat, sweating? Perhaps you felt like crying and your body started trembling.

Step Four: Identify Your Urges

What did you want to do as a result of your emotions? What was your first urge? What action did you want to take? This is not necessarily what you eventually did, it can be just a thought that you briefly had. This is a very important step as you become more used to this technique. Next time you find yourself in a situation where you experience overwhelming emotions, recognizing your urges can help you to not automatically act on them.

Step Five: What Did You Do?

In this step, think about what you actually did. What action did you take as a result of your emotions? Take your time and try to remember. Did you have an argument with somebody because you felt really hurt and angry? Try to remember what you said to the other person if there are other people involved in the situation.

Step Six: Outcomes

How did this situation, your emotions and your resulting actions affected you later? Was the outcome of this situation good for you or not really? This step focuses on the consequences that you may experienced in the longer term. Being observant and honest with ourselves about whether the outcome of our emotionally-induced actions is good or bad for us can be very important for making a change.


Describe the situationI had a usual day at work, I came home where I live alone, and had an evening by myself. There was nothing extraordinary about the day.
What caused the situation?I live a boring life, I avoid everything that is out of my comfort-zone. So just like every other day, nothing exciting happened.
Primary and secondary emotionsAt first I felt really bored, but this grew into a feeling of sadness and disappointment about the lack of interesting things going on in my life. By the end of the day I just felt really empty.
Identify your urgesI didn't feel like doing anything useful, I just wanted to sit in front of the TV and drink wine.
What did you do?That is exactly what I did.
OutcomeI drank more than I wanted to, I woke up the next morning, hung-over with a terrible migraine. I had to call in sick and I missed work.

You are here: Home » Areas of Emphasis » Emotional & Behavioral

Within the Emotional and Behavioral Health Area of Emphasis, the Waisman Center works to promote healthy social and emotional development. We support positive behaviors for individuals with developmental disabilities and special health care needs, including co-occurring mental health conditions. Emotional health, expression of positive behaviors, and social skills are foundational to an individual's success, beginning in infancy and progressing across the lifespan. When not addressed, challenging behaviors such as aggression, destruction, or self-injury can result in a greater restriction of life opportunities.

Research and practice demonstrate that a blend of positive practices systematically implemented increases the success of individuals with developmental disabilities who are experiencing complex behavioral and mental health challenges. With proper support across settings, individuals who exhibit challenging behaviors can successfully live, be educated, work, and recreate in the community.

Areas of UCEDD activity focus are: infant and early childhood; family mental health and outreach; and consultation for challenging behaviors for people with developmental disabilities and special health care needs.


Challenges to Emotional and Behavioral Health

Identification and Intervention for Mental Health Needs. Identifying and accessing appropriate interventions at the earliest signs of mental health and behavioral challenges can be daunting for both families and the health and educational professionals providing supports to children, youth, and adults with these challenges. There is increased recognition of mental health disturbances in very young children including disturbances in mood; difficulties in regulation of feeding, sleep, or attention; sensory or relational difficulties; and withdrawn or aggressive behavior (Clark, 2010). For individuals with developmental disabilities and other special health care needs, the social and emotional needs associated with healthy development are often overlooked until these challenges escalate into behavior challenges.

How do we go about assuring that all providers and agencies have the proper screening tool and strategies as well as effective training protocols?

Relationship-Based Context for Intervention. All learning, behavior, and socialization occur in the context of relationships. The promotion of healthy social emotional development begins in infancy and continues throughout the lifespan. Early onset of severe and persistent emotional and behavioral issues in children with developmental disabilities can sometimes prevent the development of these important relationships. The development of strong and healthy relationships in early childhood lays the foundation for all later relationships. For adults, the therapeutic relationships across the various providers is a key component to a successful supported lifestyle.

How can family members and providers be educated and supported effectively and in a timely manner in order to establish and maintain these essentials emotional bonds?

Bias toward People with Disabilities. The belief that people with developmental disabilities and challenging behaviors cannot participate in community life with appropriate supports is a common occurrence. This notion is compounded by those who also have mental health issues. It is imperative that families recognize potential trajectories for their children within community life, regardless of the level of support that may be needed. Too often, professionals and community members prepare families for a more limited future based solely on a diagnosis and observable behaviors, rather than a combination of possibilities within the child, family, and community. For families with young children, this often begins in the early childhood years. Their children are not accepted into child care settings due to behavioral or other special needs, and these types of exclusions continue throughout the school years. For adults in supported living, 'Severe Reputations' may emanate from past incidents that may have only occurred a few times and within the context of poorly-planned supported lifestyles.

How do we go about educating families, professionals as well as attitudes within communities to how people with disabilities and mental health challenges can thrive in the community, with proper support; and furthermore, how communities can be enriched though the participation of people with disabilities and mental health challenges?

Safety. Assuring safety for individuals with challenging behaviors, providers, and citizens is an essential component of a well-crafted community support plan. When safety issues are not properly addressed, children are at risk for out-of-home placement or segregated education. A growing number of preschoolers are expelled from child care settings each year due to challenging behaviors (Gilliam, 2005). Schools struggle with providing individualized special education in the least restrictive environment and recognizing parent and child rights while also looking out for the safety of all children. Children struggling with emotional regulation issues that are not addressed often continue to experience emotional volatility in adult years. Adults are at risk for arrest, unnecessary psychiatric stays, or institutionalization. In developing programs that assure safety, Community Support Teams sometimes need to incorporate more intensive strategies. These approaches sometimes need to also include what are termed Restrictive Measures. When developed properly and incorporated within positive behavioral supports, Restrictive Measures can protect individuals, providers, and the community from those low frequency and high intensity behaviors that may include aggression, destruction, or self-injury.

How do we assist these teams in considering whether to use restrictive measures, and if so, how they can be used for the purpose of safety and not as a form of punishment or potential abuse?

Education and Training of educational and healthcare professionals, including those in mental health fields, as well as direct support providers and families is a key component to successful school and community life for people with challenging behaviors. Many professionals earn their degrees and practice without specific knowledge of very young children or people with developmental disabilities who also have mental health and behavioral needs. Without appropriate training, disparities in access to appropriate services will continue throughout the lifespan. In the early childhood years, this means increasing the capacity of early care and educational providers from diverse programs (e.g., child care, Head Start, schools, Birth to 3, home visiting, family resource centers) to address the emotional and learning needs of all children. The challenge is to create a coordinated, cross-system professional development system that reaches all people who touch the lives of children. This cross-system attention to professional development is also necessary for professionals working with adults. In both early childhood and supported community programs for adults, direct care positions are typically under-funded, which results in low wages and leads to high turnover rates. Additionally, provider agencies often do not have access best practice training strategies related to challenging behaviors and/or do not have the resources to properly educate the direct providers.

How do we go about assuring that there are an adequate number of providers who are educated, adequately compensated supervised, and remain in their positions over time?

Service to Individuals and Families

  • Community TIES provides outreach behavioral consultation to individuals with DD, parents, provider agencies and schools. The Community TIES program has blended various approaches in establishing this style of positive behavioral supports that also promotes Community Inclusion. The approach subscribes to the belief that people with disabilities and challenging behaviors can thrive in the community with proper supports.
  • TIES Clinic offers psychiatric consultation to patients with DD and co-occurring mental health issues
  • Adaptations and Modifications Program offers environmental accommodations to living spaces that assure safety and promotes continued participation in community life.
  • The Waisman Early Childhood Program provides an enriching environment that supports healthy social and emotional development in young children and supports young children with challenging behaviors in an inclusive early childhood environment.
  • The Waisman Center Clinics offer assessments of social emotional development, parent child interactions, and challenging behaviors within interdisciplinary clinical evaluations. The clinics include highly qualified professionals (e.g., psychologists, developmental pediatricians, and speech and language therapists) who are able to conduct assessments and make recommendations for interventions to address social and behavioral challenges in children and youth with developmental disabilities and special health care needs.

Pre-Service Training

Outreach Consultation on Challenging Behaviors

  • The Community TIES Program offers field placements (one or two semesters) for UW Social Work and Rehabilitation Psychology Undergraduate and Masters students. Experiences focus on the development of consultation skills for providing positive behavior supports to address challenging behaviors.
  • Community TIES also serves as a rotation site for UW Psychiatric Residents. In this experience, residents learn about behavioral and medical management of psychiatric disorders. http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/cedd/Student_Postdoc_Opportunities/field_experiences.php

38 Secondary Emotionsdialectical Behavioral Training Techniques

Community Training and Technical Assistance

Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health

  • The Waisman Center collaborates with, the UW-Madison Department of Psychiatry and the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health, on the Capstone Certificate Program in Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health, University of Wisconsin. This Capstone Certificate Program is an intensive, interdisciplinary, one or two year academic program for practicing professionals from the disciplines of mental health, health, social services and education who work with families in the prenatal and postpartum periods and with children ages birth through five years.
  • Social Emotional Foundations in Early Learning (SEFL) is a statewide professional development initiative adapted for Wisconsin through a partnership with the national Center for Social Emotional Foundations in Early Learning http://www.vanderbilt.edu/csefel/ . Staff of the Early Childhood Professional Development Hub of the Waisman Center serve on the State Leadership team and are members of a cohort of approved SEFEL trainers. who provide training on social and emotional development in a variety of early childhood settings.

School Age Children/ Youth and Adults

  • Training and Consultation is a comprehensive offering of seminars and trainings for caregivers, support brokers/case managers, consumers, families, program administrators/supervisors and anyone interested in learning more about related topics in the field of Developmental Disabilities. Training and Consultations has a series of seminars related to behavioral support.
  • Behavioral Consultations are offered through Community TIES. Short term consultations for individual with DD and challenging behaviors for provider agencies, Family Care programs, families and schools across Wisconsin are provided

38 Secondary Emotionsdialectical Behavioral Training Post Test

Advisory Group Membership

UCEDD staff and faculty serve on the following committees and boards relevant to this Area of Emphasis:

  • State Leadership Team for the Social Emotional Foundations in Early Learning
  • Participation on committees to provide direction and oversight for use of positive behavioral supports that also include Restrictive Measures
    • Statewide for children receiving waiver services
    • Family Care – Care Wisconsin
    • Dane County Human Services children and adults

Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health

Positive Behavioral Supports and Crisis Prevention

Effective Psychiatry

What Is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Key References

Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health

  • Zeanah, C. H., Jr. (Ed.). (2009). Handbook of infant and mental health. (3rd edition). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Landy, S. (2002). Pathways to Competence: Encouraging Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Young Children. Baltimore, MD: Paul H Brookes Publishing Co.

38 Secondary Emotionsdialectical Behavioral Training Certification

School Age Children/ Youth and Adults

Influences on positive behavioral supports


  • John McGee – Gentle Teaching
  • Dr. Herbert Lovett – Integrated approach to Challenging Behaviors

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy For Children


38 Secondary Emotionsdialectical Behavioral Training Reliaslearning

  • David Pitonyak – Relationships and Challenging Behaviors
  • Martha R Leary -Accommodations and sensory regulation